The 1st SUIAS workshop in HEP: Supersymmetry and Gravitation

August 8 - 12, 2022
Suzhou (Soochow), Jiangsu, China


Since 1997, the idea of holography has been considered as the key to approach the theory of quantum gravity. In the past few decades, the progress of understanding holography has been made in both the field theories and the dual gravitational theories. Supersymmetry makes many computation exactly calculable and comparable in both sides. People have already gained a lot of understandings about gravity from dual field calculation due to supersymmetry. The idea of this workshop is to bring people working in various fields together to share the most recent opinion and hopefully make it productive.

This workshop is aimed towards advanced graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and active researchers in the field. We encourage students from all over the world to participate, and for domestic students we will try our best to provide financial supports to attend the workshop in person.

The workshop will be held from August 8th to August 12th, 2022. Due to covid-19 pandemic situation, the workshop will be mainly held online.

The 2022 Soochow workshop in High energy physics is generously supported by Graduate School of Soochow University (苏州大学研究生院) and by the funds of Kosterlitz office in China (苏州外籍院士工作站).

The event will be hosted by School of Physical Science and Technology and Institute for Advanced Study of Soochow University. The Institute for Advanced Study of Soochow University (SUIAS) is a newly founded research center with the long-term goal in fostering a creative research platform from which young scholars can grow as future academic and technological leaders of China. Prof. John Michael Kosterlitz works as the Honorary Dean of the institute.

You are welcome to join us through the zoom link . Or zoom meeting room ID: "894 6673 4227" with password: "SUIAS". The latest Time Table is available now.

Invited Speakers

Domestic Speakers

International online Speakers

  • Yasuyuki Hatsuda (Rikkyo University)
  • Taro Kimura (Université Bourgogne) slides
  • Jaewon Song (KAIST) video
  • Yuji Tachikawa (IPMU) slides video
  • Jie-qiang Wu (UCSB/Institute of Theoreical phyiscs, Chinese Academy of Science) video

  • Registration

    Please click here to register. The deadline is August 1st, 2022.

    Poster session and Gong Show

    We will also have a poster session. For postgraduates and young postdocs, you are encouraged to participate this session by sending us a pdf version of your poster concerning your research. The poster will be put online, whose address will be announced during the meeting.

    Our posters are provided by Dongqi Li, Mingshuo Zhu, Yuan Zhong, Wenni Zheng, and Xia Gu. We will also have two hours Gong show session for other researchers. If you are willing to give 10-15 min Gongshow talk, please specify during the registration.

    Local Organization Committee

    Steering Committee


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